Sunday, 20 April 2008

bullet points

  • people don't work for money, they work for respect - which is why I can work for peanuts and be happy
  • my new Junior High job is lots lots of fun, and I have a lot of down time so I can study Japanese at work
  • women is bitches
  • I can now watch a Japanese TV show and understand 80 percent of the dialogue and 100 percent of the story, but only if the show is about a little boy who likes baseball a lot and on is on channel 3 at 9:30 Saturday mornings
  • junior high school students in Japan are weird. Everyday they practice sports until 5pm after school with all the discipline and regimen of a military unit
  • three junior high school students like me, one says she loves me and the other two asked me to sign their books like I was some kind of rock star or something. I was both disturbed and flattered by this
  • women my own age are decidedly less interested in me than junior high school students. I should be a pervert or something.